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WebAccess/DMP 3.1.2 Release

Written by Jan Svoboda on Thursday 12 September 2024 in the category Release with the tags .

We would like to inform you that the new version of WebAccess/DMP 3.0.3 ( has been released.

Details can be found in Release Notes, which are available here.


NIS2 Compliance Commitment

Written by Roman Peťura on Monday 29 July 2024 in the category Newsletter with the tags .


To achieve the highest standards in cybersecurity and data protection, we are committed to complying with the European Union Directive on network and information systems (NIS2 Directive) by 2025 and obtaining ISO27001 certification. The official statement, along with related key areas, is available at NIS2 Compliance Statement document.


WebAccess/DMP 3.1.0 Release

Written by Jan Svoboda on Monday 22 July 2024 in the category Release with the tags .

We would like to inform you that a new version of WebAccess/DMP 3.1.0 ( has been released. Details can be found in the Release Notes, which are available here.

To fully enjoy the features and improvements of WebAccess/DMP 3.1.0, please ensure that your client is upgraded to version 3.1.0.

Additionally, please be aware that the WebAccess/DMP 2.x.x version will be discontinued by the end of this year. We strongly recommend migrating your devices to the 3.x.x version.


ICR-4461 FirstNet certification

Written by Miloslav Bien on Friday 14 June 2024 in the category Newsletter with the tags .

FirstNet Certification image

We are excited to announce that our routers have received FirstNet certification, underscoring our commitment to providing reliable communication solutions for first responders and public safety personnel. FirstNet, built with AT&T, prioritizes the connectivity needs of emergency services.

The certification is newly valid for the routers ICR-4461-1ND, ICR-4461S-1ND, ICR-4461W3-1ND, and ICR-4461W3S-1ND

FirstNet certification holds significant importance within the USA. The FirstNet mission is to deploy, operate, maintain, and improve the nation's first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety. This reliable, ...


WebAccess/DMP - Video Tutorials

Written by Miloslav Bien on Monday 3 June 2024 in the category Newsletter with the tags .

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of a new series a comprehensive video tutorials that will guide you through the various features and functionalities of our advanced remote device provisioning, monitoring, and management platform - WebAccess/DMP

This video series has been created to provide you with valuable insights and step-by-step instructions, making it easier for you to leverage the full potential of WebAccess/DMP.

WADMP Video Tutorials




ICR-OS 6.4.2 Firmware Release

Written by Roman Peťura on Thursday 23 May 2024 in the category Release with the tags , , .

A new version of ICR-OS, the proprietary firmware developed for Advantech routers has been released. This patch-level release is packed with security enhancements, functional improvements, and several key updates that elevate router performance and reliability.

Detailed Changelog

To dive into the specifics of what's new and improved, we highly recommend reviewing the Release Notes. They provide a thorough overview of the advancements and modifications introduced in this update.

Major Enhancements

  • Added jq Command: Support for better JSON file manipulation.
  • SSH Port Configuration: The default listening SSH port can now be configured.
  • WiFi Connectivity Issues: Fixed ...


SMS Support Added to Event Notificator RA

Written by Roman Peťura on Monday 6 May 2024 in the category Release with the tags , .


We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of the Event Notificator Router App, now with added SMS notification support. This Router App is an essential utility designed to enhance the management of network systems by facilitating the efficient transmission of notifications related to a variety of system events. Key events monitored include changes in system configuration, password updates, and unsuccessful login attempts. The inclusion of SMS notifications ensures that users can receive urgent updates directly on their mobile devices, providing a reliable method to maintain system ...


ICR-OS 6.4.1 Firmware Release

Written by Roman Peťura on Monday 25 March 2024 in the category Release with the tags , .

A new version of ICR-OS, the proprietary firmware developed for Advantech routers has been released. This patch-level release is packed with security enhancements, functional improvements, and several key updates that elevate router performance and reliability.

Detailed Changelog

To dive into the specifics of what's new and improved, we highly recommend reviewing the Release Notes. They provide a thorough overview of the advancements and modifications introduced in this update.

Major Enhancements

  • WiFi Module Insights: The WiFi Status page now includes additional details about the WiFi module, enhancing transparency and control over wireless ...


ICR-OS 6.3.12 Firmware Release

Written by Roman Peťura on Monday 25 March 2024 in the category Release with the tags , .

A new ICR-OS firmware version, specifically designed for the v2 product line of Advantech routers, has been released.

Detailed Changelog

To dive into the specifics of what's new and improved, we highly recommend reviewing the Release Notes. They provide a thorough overview of the advancements and modifications introduced in this update.

Major Enhancements

  • SNMP Custom Field Enhancement: This enhancement adds greater flexibility to SNMP configurations, allowing users to store and manage extra information for effective network management and monitoring.
  • Resolved Firmware Auto-update Issue: We've addressed a bug that caused firmware auto-update processes to crash, ...


The 5G / LTE-A Cellular Routers ICR4100 / ICR-4200 have been released

Written by Miloslav Bien on Friday 8 March 2024 in the category Release.

We are pleased to share with you information about the release of the new cellular routers ICR-4100 / ICR-4200

ICR-4100 / ICR-4200

The routers represent the ultimate solution for global industrial applications providing swift data transfer, low latency, and robust network connectivity in 5G or 4G/LTE Advanced Cat.6 networks.
As a standard is ICR-4100 / ICR-4200 router family equipped with two Gigabit Ethernet ports, one USB host 3.0, a GNSS receiver, and two SIM readers, which are placed ...